Open, integrated, multi-domain technology solutionsSEE the Invisible Battlespace
Sense. Evaluate. Effect. Bringing Technology to the Fight.
The Mission
Bringing Technology To The Fight
At CTI we create collaboration where none exists and deliver solutions from ideation to operation by rapidly providing open, integrated, multi-domain technology solutions for the Invisible Battlespaces.
Success in modern warfare demands collaboration, rapid innovation, and solutions addressing all aspects of the battlespace – including those elements beyond normal human perception.
At CTI, we bring technology to the fight and empower end-users to SEE (Sense, Evaluate, Effect) the Invisible Battlespaces by delivering critical capabilities addressing spectrum, communications, cyberspace, information space, human terrain, gray space, geo-intelligence, Modeling & Simulation, Intelligence, Surveillance, & Reconnaissance (ISR), Joint All Domain Command and Control (JADC2), covert operations, and more. These integrated solutions drive mission impact, help close the Kill Chain, and ensure operational superiority.
Founder and CSO Dustan Hellwig explains what makes CTI unique.
Why We Dominate the Invisible Battlespaces
Innovators in Electromagnetic Warfare Solutions
Delivering solutions for CEMA advanced planning, execution, and review, airborne electromagnetic attack, and more.
Experts in Multi-Domain Situational Awareness
Core developer of TAKX and lead integrator for multiple mission-critical technologies (CUAS, COPs, UxS, etc).
Pioneers in Geospatial Augmented Reality
Providing enhanced situational awareness, predictive analytics, and annotation tools for real-time FMV for 30 years.
Leaders in Cyber-Secure UxS Autonomy
Offering industry-leading expertise as well as NDAA-compliant control systems and compute modules for multi-domain UxS operations.
Closers of the Kill Chain
Vertically integrated to provide tactical technologies from R&D and Prototyping, to Testing, Training, Deployment, and Sustainment, to close the Kill Chain and provide more effective, efficient, and lethal operations.
Advocates of the GovOpen Model
Supplying open, Government-owned solutions to maximize mission impact by facilitating collaboration across Government, Enterprise, and allied parties.
Champions of Collaboration
What makes CTI unique is that we prioritize the mission above all else, fostering a collaborative environment where innovation thrives, silos are dismantled, and superior capabilities are delivered to the battlespace.
We do this by facilitating collaboration between entities – whether they’re Government or Enterprise – to ensure the best solutions are fielded. In our view, there is no time to waste, the best capabilities must come together to ensure our warfighters are the best equipped.
Commercial Entities & OEMs
Over the last 25 years CTI has maintained a stellar reputation with Government and Commercial entities alike. We have the relationships, contracting vehicles, technical expertise, and experience to get capabilities into the hands of warfighters. It’s our mission to bring the best technology to the fight, so if you have it, please connect with us today – we’d love to collaborate.
Government & Contracting Officers
CTI is highly experienced in a variety of contract types and contracting vehicles. We swing well above our weight-class, as evidenced by our Top Ten Ranking in CRUX Defense’s DAM Report, which highlights Defense Contractors’ ability to overcome the “Transition Valley of Death.” We can facilitate money flow or connections with other Government entities to help you move from idea to approval to execution, quickly and efficiently.
How We SEE the Invisible Battlespaces
Sensors & Platforms
Our Sense Portfolio focuses on capabilities and technologies relating to sensors and platforms – ranging from broad-based, low-cost survey, to specialized, high-end sensor and system application, integration, and utilization.
Focus Areas
- Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations (EMSO)
- Remote Sensing
- Integration and Technology for Hardware/Platforms
- Software for C2, Situational Awareness, and Data Visualization
- Augmented Reality on Real-Time Full-Motion-Video
- Biometric Sensors and Wearables
- Cyber-secure auto-pilots and compute modules for UxS
Data Analytics & Visualization
Our Evaluate Portfolio focuses on capabilities and technologies relating to the analysis, assessment, visualization, and simulation of data, information, activities, patterns, and anomalies across areas or organizations of interest.
Focus Areas
- Open-Source Software and Apps on Secure Networks
- Remote C2 and Real-time Data Feeds from Devices, Distributed Sensors, and Network Databases
- Data Aggregation, Filtering, Analytics and Alerting
- Integration with PAI and Commercially Available Data
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Mission Analytics & Visualization
Our Effect Portfolio focuses on capabilities and technologies impacting the operational environment in, though, and around the Invisible Battlespaces, ranging from mission analytics and visualization to the facilitation of kinetic and non-kinetic effects.
Focus Areas
- EMSO Mission Planning, Auto-Routing, and Execution
- EA Effect and RF Visualization Environment
- Order-of-battle 2D and 3D Modeling
- Post Exercise Kill-chain Analysis and Review
- SOF-Enabled Long-Range Fires

Maximizing Our Impact
Open, Government-Owned Solutions
CTI is a leading developer of open, Government-Owned software and technologies, uniquely dedicated to empowering the men and women of our armed forces with the tools they need to get the job done.
We don’t sell these solutions – we give them to end-users. Moreover, we actively champion these solutions with other Government entities, ensuring broader access to mission-critical capabilities, thereby maximizing our impact.
CTI’s Impact in Action
Rapid Solutions for Hurricane Helene
In September 2024, Hurricane Helene barreled toward the Southeastern United States, threatening millions with devastating winds, flooding, and power outages. In the face of this urgent crisis, CTI sprang into action, offering critical support to first responders and public safety agencies through rapid deployment of cutting-edge technology.
To enhance situational awareness and interagency collaboration, CTI offered free access to its secure GovCloud TAK (Tactical Awareness Kit) Server and SmartCam3D licenses, providing responders with a robust, interoperable common operating picture, enabling real-time sharing of critical information and seamless coordination across agencies and jurisdictions.
Supporting this effort was CTI’s elite team of former special operations and public safety professionals, bringing unparalleled expertise to ensure operational success.
Impacting the Future of War
CTI is revolutionizing modern warfare by empowering our customers to Sense, Evaluate, and deliver Effects in the Invisible Battlespaces.
Our technology solutions enhance mission effectiveness, efficiency, and lethality, ensuring our warfighters maintain a decisive edge against adversaries. We do this by integrating with open, Government-owned platforms, and providing customers with a vertically integrated solution-set bridging the gap between technology ideation, research, and development all the way through to operational deployment and sustainment.
Through our Mission Support services, we provide guidance on innovation and experimentation, directly aiding real-world mission execution, and our Solutions Support team – led by former special operations and public safety professionals – ensures seamless integration, fielding, training, and long-term operational success when leveraging these capabilities.
At CTI we bring technology to the fight and redefine what’s possible in modern warfare.
Sense Portfolio
Solutions relating to sensors and platforms, accompanying hardware, and complementary capabilities and technologies.
Evaluate Portfolio
Solutions relating to data analytics and visualization, as well as complementary capabilities and technologies.
Effect Portfolio
Solutions relating to mission analytics and visualization, as well as complementary capabilities and technologies, including those facilitating kinetic and non-kenetic effects.
Mission Support
Support services tied to innovation and experimentation directly supporting real-world mission execution.
Solution Support
Support services tied to fielding and training – including for the TAK ecosystem – led by former special operations and public safety professionals.
A Culture Focused on the Mission
Innovation. Collaboration. Commitment. Impact.
Our team is dedicated to finding innovative solutions to complex problems, collaborating with all those committed to bringing technology to the fight, and delivering the world’s best capabilities to our customers and end-users to maximize our impact on the battlespace.
Our team is dedicated to supporting the defense of the United States of America. We’re proud to be part of something bigger than ourselves.
Dr. Jay Moorman
Join the Mission
Engineers. SMEs. Veterans. Talent.
We hire the best, wherever you are. Want to make an impact? Come be part of our team.
Let’s Work Together
Join us on our mission to create collaboration where none exists and deliver solutions from ideation to operation rapidly via open, integrated, multi-domain technology solutions for the Invisible Battlespaces.